
I've been recording my dreams for years, and I believe each is an attempt from the mysterious unknown to guide my life path.

No one really knows what dreams mean, where they come from, or what consciousness actually is – though many of us have an inate understanding that they are significant and meaningful.

Dreams as doorways into the subconscious. Many people believe they are linked to something bigger than any of us individually. Dreampaths was created to explore these relationships and the deeper meanings of our dreams.

Adam Schneider & William Domhoff from University of California Santa Cruz have decades of quantitative dream research and analysis, and they explicitly say: "Of course, you still need to read the dreams and do the coding by hand; there's virtually no way to have a computer read English sentences and pull meaning out of them." [source].

AI changed this. Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT allow us to do human level evaluation of information in near real-time.

By simply recording our dreams and analyzing them with Dreampaths we noticed a significant increase in:

and many more... though we can't promise you'll have the same results. We are very excited to open the community and to learn about your experiences.

We believe refocusing attention and awareness away from outward and exterior sources of meaning, and back towards our individual inner well of insight and understanding.

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Dream Research

A few books that inspired me to build DreamPaths.

Book: The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

An amazing book exploring dream yoga (dream work, lucid dreaming) that inspired Dreampths creation.

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Book: The Undiscovered Self: With Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams

Jung explains how the symbols that occur in dreams compensate for repressed emotions and intuitions.

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Book: Dreams

Jung's most insightful contributions to the study of dreams and their meaning.

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